Friday, 5 December 2008

After all those months... I am finally back

Dear friends:

Many months has passed from my last update. They have been very busy months indeed! Changing to a new job, moving back to my birthplace, living during many months at a rented flat, finding a place to live and finally get back to what can be considered as "normal life".

You know what? I am finally back!

I had not too much time lately for my models (mainly as they where locked away in a warehouse), but I did find some hours to continue weathering my bombard and ammo carrier... Let me show you some new pics:

I am not yet happy with this rusted effect, but I think am am very close to complete it...

The models some hours before! Please note the clean look of the ammo carrier on the back.

Let's see how much I can progress in the following days... I promise to update the blog often!


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What kit/kits did you use for your bombard and ammo loader?

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